Saturday, September 7, 2013


It's almost internship time, and I'm getting really excited! I don't know what I'm going to be working on yet, but I've started to think about my hopes for this year.

I love science research, even with all the challenges that it comes with, so I was really interested in participating in this internship. In some of my previous science classes, I've struggled with getting the expected results in labs. I definitely want to improve my precision and experimental technique so this doesn't happen any more, but I'm also excited to step out of the classroom and into a "real" laboratory. In a real laboratory, there often isn't any "expected result"-- it's all unknown. Most of the time, there isn't even one answer to the question that you're exploring. 

In addition to improving my experimental technique, I also want to improve my reasoning skills.  In research, there's no textbook to fall back on when you don't know the answer. I'm excited to start figuring things out for myself, and to add to what we know about our world. 

I know that when you start out on a research project, you have to start in small steps, so what I'm looking forward to the most right now is just learning from my mentor and then applying that knowledge in the lab. I can't wait to start my internship!


  1. Nice blog post, Maryam. I appreciate your realistic view of science (unexpected results) and excitement about getting started. I am looking forward to getting you into the lab as well!

  2. Maryam, it would be nice if you wrote a brief post on the talk at RPI. Whatever you could share about dark matter would be great!
